mmm the future...

The next weekend  I´m going to go to Huautla de Jiménez because my cousin wanted to go there since much time ago and he will eat some fungis,well we´ll eat, we are going to  go the places around Huautla.  he´ll come with his friends because my cousin told them about that place and others. i think we will have a good time!!  i hope it.
Just  in a few days i´m going to go to a party because is my cousin´s birthday she´s 15 years old. I think it will be a great party because her mom loves her. she´s the unique daugther i´m going to go with my friend and we are going to dance all the night and drink soda of course jeje.

 I will finish my degree in 3 years i think jaja i´m going to work maybe how a teacher i will like it, i won´t marry and have babies.
 Well, i think that will be a little of my future maybe yes maybe not all can pass.
I don´t like to do plans about my future because then something happens  and ruin everything!!!